Exceeding Customer Expectations
In the early 1990’s I was working for a large company and a consultant was brought to help us to increase sales and increase customer satisfaction.
Since I like stories, I must use one of my stories to illustrate this point. I usually tear off when I think of it. I hope you like it!
The consultant explained that we all have different personalities and expectations. For those of us who are Type A personality we expect that someone would start working on our task as soon as we communicate it.
Recently I went to have my eyes checked, my prescription had changed and ordered glasses. The person who took my order said it will be two weeks before you can have your glasses. I am type A and asked for a shorter timeline. She said no, I told her I would pay extra. She said no, I agreed to wait for two weeks. My glasses arrived in seven days, I was very happy about it!

Resources :::::
Do you believe we all can exceed customer expectations?
What is your preferred way of communication?
What does asap mean to you?